thought this would be a nice place to write down my self improvenet logs. Just stuff that I feel is good to note down
and keep with me. Now its on a website!.
Find the original version Here
Sometimes in order to get good at things, you have to do hard things. Hard things are fine and all, BUT they're difficult, especially
when you don't enjoy it. I learnt this when I was being obliterated during that fitness regeime that we were put through in that first 15
camp. Hard things require a hard mindset. You can't do hard things without this. You need to silence the voice at the back of your head
telling you to stop. A weak mindset won't allow you to push yourself the required amount to get good at something.
When I was training, I realised that it's hard. We were doing 5 excercise, sprint, 5 excercise, repeat. It was extremely intense and felt
really good once you got the hang of it, but not in the moment thats for sure. You need to be able to push yourself to do the hard thing
and just go in there and count your laps, no other external thoughts. If you want to study, you have to do the same thing, except this has
to be a mind numbing task (in the mind). Treating your mind like a muscle will work just as well. You have to just not think and just
do that thing you hate because if you do you will get better.
Botyh apply to studies. If you run hard and ensure you sprint in between those excercises, you WILL get fit. If you do the same for your
mind you WILL get smarter. If you don't get smarter for the test, then you have NOT ENSURED YOU SPRINTED in between those excercises. If
you walk the excercises, you will not get fit. It's extermely simple.
If you can't love it, then you can stand it. You have to be able to stand it. I remember reading in that procrastination book on how to deal with these things. Imagine you are stuck in a rose bush. The rose bush has thorns, lots of them. These thorns symbolise the things that you don't like, and you know they're things you don't like because when you do them (touch the thorn) it irritates you. In order to progress through the rose bush you're going to have to figure out what to do with the thorns, and there are two ways to go about it. One, you can cut the thorns off. Remove the tasks which irritate you. If you don't like it, then stop doing it. Yes it's good to go out of your comfort zone, but if it's stressing you out constantly, especially if it's prolonged, do not do it. Stop doing it. Two, you can dull them. Things that you don't like can be thought of as a thorn that you can't cut off. How do you get rid of it?, you dull it. Learn to stand the things you hate. Study for example, you have to train yourself to stand it. Once you learn the art of standing things, it becomes alot easier to do things that you don't enjoy doing!
It's harder for men to motivate themselves, especially when they're younger. Your prefrontol cortex growth hasn't kicked in to the same degrees a woman's would have, meaning it's harder for you to do things. Its harder to drive yourself to study. It is harder for you to do something because it will give you a benefit in the long run. You don't have that proper development to stand the process. That's what we struggle with. But. Man is reseliant. Men are driven, motivated to succede. You have it in you, more than what a woman would have, to strive and dedicate yourself toward that thing. You just need to make these connections earlier, train yourslelf. Your mind is a muscle, if you want it to get better, YOU NEED TO TRAIN IT.